How much data do you need?


  • 12 hrs browsing (or)
  • 1,000 emails (or)
  • 22 hrs Music streaming (or)
  • 4 hrs Video Streaming (or)
  • 3 hrs Video Calls (or)
  • 3 hrs Online Gaming


  • 36 hrs browsing (or)
  • 3,000 emails (or)
  • 68 hrs Music streaming (or)
  • 12 hrs Video Streaming (or)
  • 10 hrs Video Calls (or)
  • 10 hrs Online Gaming


  • 120 hrs browsing (or)
  • 10,000 emails (or)
  • 227 hrs Music streaming (or)
  • 40 hrs Video Streaming (or)
  • 34 hrs Video Calls (or)
  • 34 hrs Online Gaming


  • 361 hrs browsing (or)
  • 30,000 emails (or)
  • 682 hrs Music streaming (or)
  • 122 hrs Video Streaming (or)
  • 102 hrs Video Calls (or)
  • 102 hrs Online Gaming


  • 1200 hrs browsing (or)
  • 100,000 emails (or)
  • 2270 hrs Music streaming (or)
  • 400 hrs Video Streaming (or)
  • 340 hrs Video Calls (or)
  • 340 hrs Online Gaming

These are all rough estimates, as actual data use will depend on the app/service, the quality, and other factors. These were calculated on the basis of: 85MB/hr for web browsing, 1MB/email, 45MB/hr for music streaming, 250MB/hr for video streaming, 300MB/hr for video calls and 300 MB/hr for online gaming.