Keeping your number

Joining TISA & want to keep your mobile number?

If you are switching to TISA from another UK network and wish to keep your current number, request a PAC (porting authorisation code) from your old operator and give it to us.

Requesting a PAC

You can request a PAC code from any UK operator by texting PAC to 65075. You should get the PAC code usually delivered as an SMS within 1 minute of this request. Contact your operator’s support desk if this is not received.

How long does it take?

Porting typically takes 1 business day provided the port request has been submitted before 4pm. If the porting request is received after 4pm, your number will be ported in 2 business days.

Porting is ONLY carried out during business hours and working days, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm UK time. Porting requests received on Fridays will be ported on Monday. Any porting request received during bank holidays or weekends will be processed on the next working day and you can expect to have the number ported the following business day between 9am and 5pm.

PAC Expiry?

PAC codes are valid only for 30 calendar days. If your PAC code has expired, you will need to request a new one from your operator. If after submitting your porting request with TISA, you are notified that the PAC is invalid or expired, you will need to contact your operator for a new PAC.